Economy Manuscript Evaluation

Do you have a full manuscript that needs evaluation, but a limited budget? Ask Hyperedits copy editor Nowick Gray to clarify what’s working and what’s not, in your novella, novel, memoir or nonfiction book, without the high cost of a full developmental edit. Whether you’re getting ready to approach an agent or publisher, or considering direct self-publishing, you just need that outside perspective on your work to help steer it to success.

Perhaps you only need guidance on the opening chapter or two, or a problematic section. Send any amount of your project—minimum 10,000 words—for your custom evaluation and level of your choice:

Compare prices:


What you get

What it costs

Advanced Developmental Edit

detailed text comments and 4 p. report

$25/1000 words, +$200

Basic Developmental Edit

basic text comments and 2 p. report

$15/1000 words, + $100

Economy Manuscript Evaluation

most important text comments and 1 p. report

$5/1000 words (10k words min.)

With any of these choices I can tailor feedback to suit your specific needs. Aspects of evaluation can include overall story, genre, theme, plot, setting and descriptions, characters and dialogue, prose style and tone, scenes, mechanics, structure, and more.

Here is what one satisfied customer wrote after receiving my Economy Manuscript Evaluation:

I finished writing a novel and I wanted to get a professional evaluation/feedback… to determine whether changes needed to made and equally important, did I have a different perspective on the worth of my work. So I paid for a professional opinion. I think this is the best way to get an unbiased, realistic assessment…. Perhaps, some points I would rather not have heard, but there were positive points as well. It was the unbiased evaluation I was seeking, and I was very satisfied with Nowick’s feedback. I found it very thorough, with lots of specific points and many good suggestions. I understood his perspective, and it was exactly what I was looking for. Very good and much appreciated.

–Bob Checkwitch

Email today for a free estimate. I’m happy to discuss whatever kind of feedback you need for your manuscript, to help you bring it to the next level.

What Hyperedits Can Do For You