Nowick’s Rules


  1. There are no rules.
  2. There are conventions.
  3. Write what you know.
  4. Research what you don’t know.
  5. Get into the groove.
  6. Don’t edit until after.
  7. Trust your voice and vision.
  8. Imagine alternatives.
  9. Honor your writing studio.
  10. Edit before publishing.


  1. Learn the rules.
  2. The purpose of rules is clarity.
  3. Bend the rules with intention.
  4. Identify and honor your writer’s voice and vision.
  5. The reader is always right.
  6. Aim for consistency.
  7. Shape with variation.
  8. Make use of another editor.
  9. Accept feedback with honesty and grace.
  10. You, the writer, have the last word.

Publishing (and Self-Publishing)

  1. It’s not about you, the writer.
  2. Reading is tactile.
  3. Promotion is social.
  4. First impressions matter most.
  5. Books are judged (bought) by their covers.
  6. The Book is dead, long live the Book!
  7. Readers are fickle; quality counts.
  8. Publishing is public.
  9. Stay engaged, for the long haul.
  10. Enjoy the harvest feast.


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