Layout, Formatting, Book Design

Venturing down the path of independent publishing means you have to hire professionals to handle the various tasks, or learn to do them yourself. You can use the guidelines I provide here to do your own manuscript formatting, or you can hire a book formatter. I can be that ebook or book formatter if you choose.

Ebook and print formatting are slightly different, even though you will likely use the Amazon publishing platform for both digital and physical copies of your book. Document setup and layout varies because the media involved normally yield a different reading experience. As elsewhere in the whole writing and publishing process, the quality rule applies: “Garbage in, garbage out.” (Enter formatter, to take the garbage out.)

e-book formatting eBook Formatting

Ebook formatting itself will vary depending on the e-publishing platform you choose. Kindle is the first choice because Amazon holds the vast majority of sales. And you may as well start with Kindle Select, meaning exclusive rights for three months, to try to build exposure through Kindle Select’s unique promotional features: loans, free book promos, and Countdown Deals.

Once you have experimented with Kindle Select, you can leave your titles there and publish also on Draft2Digital. From that free platform your book will be listed automatically on other sales platforms such as the Apple iBookstore, Barnes & Noble, Kobo, and Google Play.

Draft2Digital (D2D) primarily uses the .epub format for its retail partners, while Kindle uses .mobi. D2D offers its own automatic conversion from your Word document, though it’s basic and you may need to tweak your document for a better appearance on some pages, particularly at the beginning or end of your book. For best results and fine tuning you can start with clean ebook formatting from HyperEdits.

Pricing for ebook formatting. See all my formatting prices here.

Email with your project needs and I will respond with a confirmed estimate based on your manuscript.

POD formatting POD Formatting (Amazon CreateSpace or KDP print)

Layout and formatting for print-on-demand (POD) through Amazon (through its dashboard platform now known as Kindle Direct Publishing, or KDP) is more challenging than ebook formatting for Kindle or Draft2Digital. It’s more in the realm of book design, with numerous additional aspects important to consider when holding a physical book in your reader’s hand.

The beauty of POD technology, for the indie publisher, is that you can bypass the cumbersome business of warehousing and order fulfillment, not to mention the capital outlay for huge print runs with uncertain sales prospects. Books are printed one at a time upon order by a customer (or bookstore), yet at rates that are competitive with retail book pricing.

Trim size. For Amazon’s KDP or other POD book formatting, you will need to decide on the size of your printed book in advance. Amazon calls this the “trim size,” and it will determine the page layout of your manuscript as well as the cover design template. Consult Amazon’s guidelines and choose the trim size that suits your requirements and the type of book you are wanting to print. The most popular sizes for fiction, for example, are 5.25 x 8, 5.5 X 8.5, and 6 x 9. The larger of these sizes also works well for nonfiction titles such as memoirs.

Cover design. Conventional wisdom will tell you that the main selling feature of your book is the cover, and for this reason you will need a professional cover designer. There are alternatives out there, however. For one thing, a professional cover design will not guarantee your book’s success. You also need a compelling book description and, if it’s a printed book, a catchy back cover blurb. You will need excellent reviews. You will need a strong social media network or other community of potential readers. (Oh yes, and you will need a well-written, professionally edited book. But you already knew that.)

As for the alternatives in cover design, for ebooks it’s easy; you can use the free cover creator at Amazon (as I did for My Country); or choose a template from an affordable (around $75) outlet like (as I did for Strange Love). To hire a designer (as I did for PsyBot) can cost $600 or more, but you can get a pro design for under $300.

Please note: cover design and layout is generally not included in HyperEdits book or ebook formatting services. For simple designs, however, I can work with you to create a cover for $200.

Book descriptions and back cover blurbs. These paragraphs are the most important writing you will do for your book. They are what the potential reader will see first, when browsing the Amazon pages or the shelves in the local bookstore. If you are submitting to a traditional publisher, they are what your prospective agent or publisher will see in your query letter or book proposal. They can make or break the deal you aim to strike with your reader.

Here are some tips and guidelines for writing an effective pitch for your book.

Order HyperEdits copyediting services to tweak, polish or rewrite your book blurbs for you. Use our custom editing rates to request feedback of any kind (maybe you’d like us simply to choose the best blurb among your three favorites).

Pricing for POD formatting. See all my formatting prices here.

Pricing for formatting: options, discounts and variables

Prices will vary according to factors such as book length, photos, table of contents, and the state of the original manuscript you send. Here are the prices (in US$) for various formats and discount packages:

  • Ebook (Kindle (.mobi) $100. Draft2Digital (.epub) $75.
  • Ebook pkg. (.mobi plus .epub): $150. (Save $25.)
  • Print (PDF file for Amazon KDP or other publisher): $150-$250.
  • Amazon pkg. (ebook plus print): $200-300. (Save $50.)
  • All-in-one pkg. (Kindle/.mobi, D2D/.epub, print/PDF): $225-325. (Save $100.)

Setup and upload to new account (optional): $50. per channel

Email with your project needs and I will respond with a confirmed estimate based on your manuscript.

A very big THANK YOU for all your prompt, professional assistance. It’s been a pleasure working with you. —R. D. Wall, author of the Jonah Wynchester Series of Vietnam War Novels
Amazing job, Nowick, from an amazing formatter. Bless your dear formatter’s heart. — a satisfied client

See my post on “HyperEdits Formatting Service for Self-Publishing:
Ebooks and Print-on-Demand” to compare commercial packages with what I offer.

Set up your own Draft2Digital account – it’s easy and free, and offers free .epub conversion from your finished Word file.

What Hyperedits Can Do For You